library / /

Extensions for


val Fragment.defaultSharedPreferences: SharedPreferences?

Returns default SharedPreferences instance by calling PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences on the container activity.


fun Fragment.getStringSafe(resId: Int): String?

Returns string with specified resource identifier, or null if the fragment isn't attached to an activity.

fun Fragment.getStringSafe(resId: Int, vararg args: Any?): String?

Returns string with specified resource identifier and format arguments, or null if the fragment isn't attached to an activity.


val Fragment.resourcesSafe: Resources?

Returns container activity's Resources object, or null if the fragment isn't attached to an activity.


fun Fragment.showAlertDialog(message: String? = null, title: String? = null, block: AlertDialogBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Dialog?

Displays an alert dialog by creating a new AlertDialogBuilder using the title and message provided, then passing it to block with the builder as receiver.

fun Fragment.showAlertDialog(messageResId: Int, titleResId: Int = 0, block: AlertDialogBuilder.() -> Unit = {}): Dialog?

Displays an alert dialog by creating a new AlertDialogBuilder using the title and message string resource ids provided, then passing it to block with the builder as receiver.


fun Fragment.showSnackbar(message: CharSequence?, duration: Int = SNACKBAR_DEFAULT_DURATION, block: Snackbar.() -> Unit = {}): Unit

Creates a new Snackbar with specified message and duration, then calls optional block with Snackbar as receiver before displaying.

fun Fragment.showSnackbar(messageResId: Int, duration: Int = SNACKBAR_DEFAULT_DURATION, block: Snackbar.() -> Unit = {}): Unit

Creates a new Snackbar with specified message and duration, then calls optional block with Snackbar as receiver before displaying.


fun Fragment.showToast(messageResId: Int, duration: Int = TOAST_DEFAULT_DURATION): Unit

Creates and displays a new Toast with specified message and duration (which defaults to TOAST_DEFAULT_DURATION).

fun Fragment.showToast(message: String?, duration: Int = TOAST_DEFAULT_DURATION): Unit

Creates and displays a new Toast with specified message and duration (which defaults to TOAST_DEFAULT_DURATION).


fun <T : Activity> Fragment.startActivity(block: Intent.() -> Unit = {}): Unit

Starts a new activity by creating a new Intent, calling block with the new instance, then passing the intent to Context.startActivity.